You can see more photos on instagram at @goulburnvet

Afternoon scratches for Manu from Dr Zach ๐ฅฐ #TGIF

‘OUCH’ Magneto-Dog ๐ถ๐งฒ This silly patient came to see us with a sore toe - but with a twist! His toe is magnetic!
After seeing how many magnets we could stick to his foot (7!) we got to work investigating the cause.
A 12mm metal barb had made its way into the pad, and gotten lodged, thankfully we could use our hi-resolution dental x-ray machine to find the problem and plan our surgery.
After 20 minutes of careful surgery, we managed to remove the entire piece of metal!
He’ll be feeling better in no time, just without the super powers... ๐งฒ๐ถ

Archie had the best stay with us this week!
Even though he was a bit unwell, we didn’t let that ruin his stay!
3 walks a day ๐โ๏ธelectrolytes in his drip๐ฅค, and room service bbq chicken๐

Biscuit the Bravest Cat.
After getting in an accident and badly breaking his leg, biscuit made his way home. He was tired, dehydrated, and in pain.
His owners rushed him straight to the clinic where he was assessed and treated overnight. Unfortunately his injuries were so bad, that amputation was the only option... Biscuit's procedure went smoothly and he was up standing 2 hours after surgery. And this is him just 3 days later - you can still see his stitches!
Biscuit will be able to climb, run and jump just like a normal cat in no time!

All Creatures at Goulburn Vet Clinic!
One of our favourite species to work with is birds, both pets and wildlife, and we do an increasing amount of work with large parrots. Macaws, African Greys, and cockatoos are some of the smartest pets you can own!
This Macaw needed a bit of help with her beak which was growing crooked!
Keeping the airway safe under anaesthetic, Dr Zach re-shaped the beak using a high-speed burr.
With some follow up treatments including physiotherapy at home and a LOT of chewing, she is already on her way to recovery!

๐ฅ๏ธ๐ฉบCOVID-19 restrictions in place.๐ถ๐ฑ Our doors are closed, but our clinic is OPEN. To us, your pet's health is essential.
Luckily, Coronavirus cannot infect pets, but it can infect you and your vet team.
We are asking all clients to help us to keep our community safe, and help us look after your pet's during this crisis. See this page for all details:
Consultations will look slightly different from tomorrow onwards:
1. Call the clinic (4822 1533) to make an appointment, AND:
2. Call the clinic when you arrive.
3. Stay in your car.
4. A nurse will come to collect your pet and give you an ipad to talk to the vet and watch the consult.
5. Consult continues as normal (still with lots of treats!) Vet will discuss recommendations and treatment.
6. Nurse will bring your pet to the car, organise medication, and payment. Eftpos is strongly preferred.
We are taking these measures to protect our team so we can keep infection free, and also to protect our clients, who represent a range of at-risk groups.

Looking at Ben in this photo you would never imagine what he has been through!
Ben came to us earlier in the year with THOUSANDS of FLEAS! Fleas don't just cause itchiness, they also suck blood.
Because Ben had so many fleas he didn't have enough blood to keep his body running. He had TWO blood transfusions from donor cats, and had a stay with us in hospital for nearly a week. But now he is feeling much better!
So, how do you protect your cat?
Make sure you use effective flea control according to the directions on the packet or from your vet.
Ben had been having an organic flea treatment purchased online with unknown ingredients.
If you have concerns about the safety or efficacy of any flea treatment, your vet is the right person to ask. We can even answer questions about natural products to make sure you are getting the safest advice for your pet.

๐ฆ ๐ฌCOVID-19 and your pet๐ถ๐ฑ The new coronavirus strain is affecting everybody’s life at the moment. Fortunately, COVID-19 cannot infect our pets, but it does affect their people.
If you are in self-isolation and your pet needs to be seen by a vet, we are providing virtual consultations. These can be booked by calling the clinic on 4822 1533 or by booking online.
All you need is a smartphone and a good internet connection.
These consultations will also be replacing our current service of home visits for mobility impaired clients temporarily.
If your pet needs medication, we can deliver it, or we have a collection system at the clinic that eliminates direct person-person contact.
Lastly, if you are feeling unwell, or you are supposed to be self-isolating, this is NOT a good time to come to the clinic. If our team is required to self-isolate that means that we won’t be able to help any pets, and that’s the last thing we want at this stage.

Yesterday, Archie had his last chemo appointment. Since his diagnosis with Lymphoma last year he has been having regular visits to see our team - which he loves!
Archie will now get regular checkups to make sure he stays cancer free, but he can go back to living his life like normal!
Lymphoma is just one of the cancers which we treat at the clinic, and we love being able to help pets and owners tackle a very scary diagnosis, right here in Goulburn.

Frankie the Kelpie was such a brave girl during her stay with us this week.
Here she is keeping warm waiting to go into surgery - she is hooked up to her drip which helps to make the anaesthetic safer which is always our #1 priority!

Carlton is looking forward to having another human to play with!!! Adding any new member to the family can be a challenge whether they are furry, feathery, or even a baby!
We see lots of families who have pets and babies, and want to make sure the right advice is easy to get. "Tell your cat you're pregnant" and "Tell your dog you're pregnant" are two excellent books all about making the adjustment as easy as possible.
They have plenty of information that should answer most of the questions you have about pets, and even bust a few myths. Plus, they have CDs with common baby noises to help teach your pet what's to come!
The books are available to purchase from the clinic, and if you have any specific challenges with your pet fitting in to the family, Dr Zach is always available for behaviour consultations.

Brave Victor ๐ก๏ธ vs. The Grass Seed ๐พ
Victor came to see us with a sore paw that was found after he got his hair cut (how cool is his hairdo!) Because Victor always loves coming to visit Dr Zach, he could be distracted with lots of treats while his foot was checked - after a short procedure we removed this GRASS SEED from between his toes!! And we did it all with him none the wiser and with a full belly of treats (chicken is his favourite). He had some pain relief and antibiotics for the infection, but is now back to normal!

ROAD WORKS on Union Street ๐ง๐ง There are road works happening out the front of the clinic for the next few days, so on-street parking will be affected. We are still here and helping your pets though!
The car park is still accessible, and if you need help, or your pet is scared of machinery and Hi-Vis, then let us know so we can help!